Advisory Committee on Post-office Employment for Former Chief Executives and Politically Appointed Officials 繁體版 簡体版 GovHK

Advisory Committee on Post-office Employment for
Former Chief Executives and Politically Appointed Officials
(Appointed by the Chief Executive)

Enquiry : Chief Executive's Office, Tamar, Hong Kong.
Telephone : 2878 3300

Mr Simon IP Sik-on, GBS, JP (Chairman)
Mrs Margaret LEUNG KO May-yee, SBS, JP
Mr CHENG Yan-kee, BBS, JP
Ms LO Wing-sze, BBS, JP
Dr Miranda LOU Lai-wah

Secretary : Assistant Secretary/Chief Executive's Office

Terms of Reference

(a) to draw up the principles and criteria to be adopted for the purpose of advising former Chief Executives and politically appointed officials on their post-office employment or appointment;
(b) on the basis of the principles and criteria adopted, to consider and advise former Chief Executives and politically appointed officials on post-office employment or appointment; and
(c) to consider and advise the Government on other cases which may be referred by the Chief Executive's Office.

Press Releases
Guidance Note for Politically Appointed Officials
Guidance Note for Former Chief Executives
  Guidance Note for Officials under Special Appointment  
  Advice of Advisory Committee